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Last updated Sat 30 Nov 2024 07:59:16 GMT

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RankNameLocScoreYearWeekTop streakTournTourn RoundsLast ScoredLevelTeam
1FinMccool 180099142544179212686106Just Scored !Odin -80099F
2handle 69220493926153817515 days 3 hours agoOdin 30780B
3crxtal 628791924173513 weeks 6 days agoHakuna MatataG
4marcin 503003749559166112613 hours 27 minutes agoTzut 49700I
5Greg 3503823521011191 months 1 weeks agoAtum 4962C
6xscale2go 284291267874623 weeks 2 days agoZephyrus 1571G
7GeekK 215591352661828013 hours 20 minutes agoMa'at 941F
8Nightwing 68733515141 months 2 weeks agoCinteotl 127G
9marcin_ 376376562 weeks 5 days agoFlight Lieutenant 24D
10tymtrvlr 17217231 months 3 days agoLight Orc 28J

Total: 684 players (674 hidden), 4998621 points scored, of which 305 this week.

This week's Tournament Top 10

#NameRoundsTotal Tourn WinsTotal Rounds

Last tournament winners:

FinMccool[23 rounds], FinMccool[20 rounds], FinMccool[19 rounds], FinMccool[22 rounds], FinMccool[24 rounds], FinMccool[24 rounds], FinMccool[24 rounds], FinMccool[23 rounds], FinMccool[23 rounds], FinMccool[21 rounds]

This week's Team Tournament Top 10

#TeamRoundsTotal Tourn WinsTotal Rounds

Last tournament winners:

F[25 rounds], F[23 rounds], F[20 rounds], F[25 rounds], F[27 rounds], F[25 rounds], F[25 rounds], F[24 rounds], F[25 rounds], F[23 rounds]


Most ProfessionaliChuj94.4% of the answers were correct!
Longest StreakFinMccool21.018 correct answers in a row!
Worst GuesseriAlexA pitiful 3.6% of the answers were correct...
Speed DemonblartyAn average typing rate of 43.02 characters/min for correct answers!
SnailJaami2An average typing rate of only 12.12 characters/min for the correct answers...
Fastest AnswerChiaSmurfThe fastest correct answer ever: an amazing 0.18 s.
On FireFinMccoolScored a huge 179 points this week!
MindbenderXipeSolved the most word/math questions: 13998.007.
Trivia JunkieRagbertScored an amazing average 25.885 points per day !
Young GunOur most promising new talent scored 0 points so far...


RankTeamScoreYearWeekAvgActivityStar PlayerOn FireTop Streak
1F. Fac Ut Vivas2910291998152408988 (120)1 (2) / 26FinMccool - 161019FinMccool - 1796
Athena:215 babs:125 Boyakasha:1611 chorley:14954 Exo:6 eyekeyknee:33 FinMccool:161019 GeekK:16954 GreySeal:278 Holydiver:30 janice:279 Louzer:155 Mazzy:1237 moly:933 Moogie:8896 musashi:9 Nogahly:7 Ozymandias:11148 portway:3031 river:2129 saTsin:25 starz:8783 Veigh:866 winge2:49 WOFall:272 Xetwnk:666
2I. Ralph the Wonder Llama23180055871598551 (59)0 (1) / 25Xipe - 77027marcin - 593
_J_D_Hogggg:1039 access:709 AlDiLa:195 cycosmos:36797 Cynic:438 danchik:26512 dixie_:329 doink_:630 Frode15243:572 Futurediva:77 galadriel:8 Gregor:1581 Heather:12 houarn:181 IndyBG:12417 Lyla:35 Lyre:45 marcin:39026 mingtea:122 pm:816 sexydevil:7 sophistic:14110 soundsound:406 Starbird:692 Xipe:77027
3C. Apocalypse Now229830741689141 (0)0 (0) / 25fred - 84944 - 0
Blossom1:1 bluebelton:51 blzr:37878 bsg:9017 calibur:47 drofmadness:303 fred:84944 Greg:12724 jconnor:9 kki:3993 LewSlips:103 nick1:21 Nswtbity:4 Odille:11566 Pillbug:254 Ragbert:32044 rimshot:17562 stratdroid:61 suj:746 tcb45:20 thunder:112 VanessaMk:14 Zax:50 ZiggiZ:418 Zybex:16597
4B. Vanilla Sky1749226119663677 (0)0 (0) / 25Frosty - 42638 - 02
anamaria:1353 Anwyl:63 beep2:14 bees:3 cio:51 cup:225 don:203 Esox:238 eyebee3:95 Frosty:42638 iro:54 mammon:447 manblogg:496 mantv:10 matejcik:18 nonix:18448 nova:21152 RimbaudWell:1893 roamer:1095 rowdy:106 Samnmax:803 snafu:269 Thagrosh:2252 tralala:18 tweezleweezle:2
5G. Fo' Shizzle My Nizzle164661257783906 (0)0 (0) / 25robbieo - 20660 - 0
Adinutza:12 Bear:148 Cabron:8287 Char:4028 crxtal:10115 cycosmosb:869 damezd:81 Den:4085 gendut:2973 gifthorse:68 hbb:2103 Hendy:130 IceArdor:278 kea:20140 Kiki:98 lolz:43 Nightwing:1948 robbieo:20660 tanny_:2695 toaster:1073 Tony:59 voreios:172 xfifteen:79 xscale2go:17138 zk:370
6A. Team Gimp143546319593877 (0)0 (0) / 25JBanana - 39668 - 0
Adam:14 adam86:157 Bravissimo:2 chadmeist:334 def:4642 ed83:75 eyebee:24299 gemini2:4400 handlebar:121 Indianrop:10498 JBanana:39668 jenifer69:555 joshy:3954 kmg:2185 Kymry:107 malika:770 morfeas:217 Nik:2 olduns:624 Pinky:2461 Plobb:341 pooh:182 queenbee:911 roybatty:404 sweeper:19
7D. The Dirty Dozen12516355773376 (0)0 (0) / 26strat - 25952 - 0
Al_Gore_Rhythm:1308 alexlegg:403 Baloo:21 britaidian:1 count:14776 dunc:8 eNNe:3155 Farrell:8985 geo:900 jobra:488 le_meilleur_:19739 Leevi:1486 lgarrel:32 mann:281 marcin_:277 mz:125 Pixel:4873 QTkaterpillar:707 qviri:2068 shub:272 sipalui:60 spack:1292 strat:25952 tonto:1 xxx:8 yellekc:572
8H. Soggy Bottoms123443154133870 (0)0 (0) / 26hooey - 22023 - 0
_valkyrie_:1397 ana:155 blarty:6 boris:153 Calavera:1 darkelf:3911 duk-a-duk:135 fuzzy_logic:1220 graficus:13 hooey:22023 Jaami:1104 JackTofNN:3474 jmd_akbar:2459 Khan:21824 Langel:1661 LRoyJumpyjoy:181 maz:9444 MonteCristo:811 no_one:72 rd_south:2365 ruggles:1802 sheila:208 sterz:933 stormin:4925 tig:20280 wiloux:67
9E. Life, The Universe And Everything107532182542254 (0)0 (0) / 25ChiaSmurf - 35159 - 0
artichoke:87 blackgizmo:996 blackpete:1158 CassnJo:298 ChiaSmurf:35159 coy:2648 FrostByte:243 helix:19 JustMe:651 kalimba:930 kitty:14 Les:15 Metallica:184 mogmog:137 Nessa:3 nirmalsuki:13 olliver:5280 Quipp:7208 SeaKai:9 summer:120 t-bird:20 trandism:810 tschinelle:48 vermin_:14 warrentommo:293
10J. The Sound of One Hand Clapping786099842361 (0)0 (0) / 28bog - 14191 - 0
Alisa:227 AndyTelnre:290 BionicRam:439 bog:14191 ceeam:1745 coy_clean:23 Fitzie:104 freddie2:1034 Georg:8 grex3008:1057 ismn:1501 kikidd:33 Loonybin:281 Marcellus:13011 MaxDolina:98 Novokaine:152 PeterK:690 pie_pizza:3772 Prikolist:9363 qikaos:10 sauceboat:2 shreyasrav:579 Stu:2 Tantalus:57 tinhoy:805 tymtrvlr:73 VB_aby:6036 xjkessler:10536
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